Forever young: Top 10 tips for year round health and beauty, part 7.

So, in episode 6 we looked at hydration from the inside out and I spoke about the use and benefits of liquid chlorophyll as good skin comes from within as well as what is applied to the skin topically.


Part 7: hydration, from the outside

As the seasons are changing and winter draws near our skin’s needs will change as a result. We will now start to turn on central heating, light fires and maybe use air-conditioning in our cars to heat them up faster. This, plus the harsh change in weather dries out the skin making it feel tight, uncomfortable and begin flaking.

If you can remember from a previous episode, I mentioned that dehydration can lead to premature ageing and wrinkle formation on the skin so it is important to step up our hydration levels over this coming season. 

In this episode I have chosen to make suggestions on what skincare products everyone can use to boost hydration and protect our skin from the effects of dehydration in a simple step-by-step guide.

For this…I have chosen the Néroli (Hydra Floral) range of products by Decléor, Paris. 


Products courtesy of Decléor, 

 Daily skincare

After cleansing, using one of Decléor’s cleansers such as the Micellar Oil or Water as seen in an earlier post if you so wish, it’s important to apply the correct product for your skin. Decléor’s Néroli range is perfect for instant hydration but also maintaining it throughout the day and night. It’s perfect for all skins, even mature skin and will leave your skin feeling soft and looking more radiant and youthful.

Start with your serum, an essential part of a sophisticated professional skincare routine. You only need 3 drops applied to your fingertips, this product is powerful and also a multi-award winner, so you only need a small amount. Warm it in the palms of your hands and gently massage into the skin. You can then apply your chosen companion moisturiser as illustrated below in 2 separate options.

Perfect for: ANYONE! This serum has no age limit!

Pro tip: if your skin is super dry you can use this underneath a mask and also underneath a night balm once a week and sleep in it. Pour a small amount into your palms and massage into the skin, apply your mask or balm and sleep tight. Cleanse face as normal in the morning.  


Option 1 here is the Hydra Floral Rich version. Perfect for super dry skin and doesn’t sit on the skin. Works in perfect harmony with the Néroli serum and is perfect for keeping the skin hydrated for longer during the harsh winter months.

Perfect for: dry and dehydrated skin, but also anyone needing that extra hydration boost!


Option 2 is the light version. This is perfect for a more oily or combination skin where the skin’s natural moisturiser…sebum or oil, is in abundance. Don’t worry about the use of the Aromessence Oil serum though! Even oily skins need hydration and these products are designed to work with the skin, so everyone benefits!

Perfect for: oily and combination skins. It makes a fabulous makeup base too!

Weekly skincare

The penultimate product in the line-up is your night time choice. The Néroli night balm is your perfect nighttime companion. This balm is special as you don’t need to use your Aromessence serum beneath it as it has all the wonderful properties built in!

Perfect for: anyone who is concerned with dryness and a poor complexion. Can be used once a week alongside another night balm or moisturiser to boost the complexion and draw out spots and impurities.

Pro tip: for super dry skin, use 3 drops of the Aromessence Néroli beneath it to boost hydration while you sleep!

The final product in the lineup here is Decléor’s Masque Expert, also part of the Hydra Floral range for dry and dehydrated skin. This mask is lightweight and creamy but packs a powerful injection of moisture to the skin.

To use: apply 3 drops of your Aromessence to the skin and follow with a small amount of mask over the entire face and neck. Leave for 5-10 minutes and remove. Follow with moisturiser. Use once to twice a week depending on the skin’s needs.

Pro tip: do as described above…and sleep in it! Yes, you can sleep in this…try it and see the benefit the morning after!


Following the link to the website gives you access to more options for your skin. I have picked this range because I swear by it…and my skin is really dry and tight, especially in winter so it’s a must-have for me!

It’s also great for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE so if you’re stuck or unsure…you can’t go far wrong using this range.

Don’t forget to exfoliate once a week too, otherwise these lovely products won’t be going very far or doing very much to your skin…and what would be the point in that?!

There are more options for different skin types out there, including the newer Marjolaine and Mandarin ranges for more mature skin types. All can be used in the same way however, so there’s no need to worry about changing your routine again.


We’re almost at the end, keep your eyes peeled for episode 8 coming your way in the next 2 weeks…its also Halloween soon and that means it’s my annual pilgrimage to Whitby Goth Festival so I’ll have some interesting stuff to post on here from that!

Happy skin!

Forever young: Top 10 tips for year round health and beauty, part 6.

With obesity on the rise in many young people today the message “live healthy” or “live well” seems to be ever on the rise in the media. This is backed up with what we eat and what we do…good food combined with regular exercise to maintain all round good health for body and mind.

But what do we drink?

Water? YES! But water is boring…right?


Number 6: hydration (from the inside first!)

Now, the government’s guidelines for drinking water is roughly 8 glasses per day…but how realistic is that for ordinary folks like you and I? Not very, with most of us (including myself) preferring something with more taste such as tea, coffee or alcohol (that one doesn’t include me this time!)

I get tired of watching what is good and what is bad on the television…it seems to me like one moment something is good and the next minute it’s bad and you should avoid it like the plague.

Over this past year I’ve been working very closely with a team of health experts and they introduced me to something very peculiar…

Liquid Chlorophyll.

For those of you who may not know, Cholorophyll is found in plants and allows them to absorb sunlight and convert it into energy through photosynthesis. It is also highly beneficial as a supplement for us humans too and comes with a wide range of benefits.

1. A natural deodorant from the inside. Claims suggest that taking chlorophyll regularly can reduce bad breath and other normally embarrassing body odours. It is also claimed that it helps to speed up the healing of wounds and combat any odours that come with them.

2. Detoxification. Chlorophyll has been taken for years to help detoxify the liver and flush out potential cancer-causing toxins. 

***3. Advanced hydration. When mixed with water, chlorophyll has the ability to hydrate the body three times faster than water alone. Drink it cold with some ice and it tastes fabulous! 😉
So what does this mean for the skin? In another blog I’ll highlight the importance of hydration for the body in greater detail, but hydration in short is the key to anti-ageing; if you’re hydrated, your skin will look brighter, feel softer and wrinkles will appear more diminished. 

Flushing out toxins will also help keep the skin looking clearer and more radiant, giving a youthful glow and fresh appearance. 
Are there any side effects? Nothing seriously detrimental has been discovered thus far. Digestive problems can arise when introduced to the supplement in the early stages but can easily be combatted. I suffered with this but altered my intake of the supplement. Some individuals I work with like to take a whole day’s dose in one go, personally I like to drink it in diluted amounts throughout the day. I found that helped me combat the digestive issue and also helps keep my IBS symptoms at bay…BONUS!

Another possible side effect is increased sensitivity to sunlight. This is nothing that a good quality sunscreen can’t handle so not to worry…you should be using it anyway 😉 


As with any supplement it is important to seek medical advice before use, but in my opinion I would recommend a supplement such as this to boost hydration levels. I use a brand called Nature’s Sunshine but there are many other brands out there and it can be purchased from health food shops or private health centres and gyms. 
One last thing..!!!

It can also be mixed with smoothies and juices…if you need some help with this Liz Earle has written a fabulous little book, ‘Juice’, which gives guidelines to juicing in order to achieve beautifully perfect skin. 

You can buy it from Amazon by clicking right…Here

Or visit her website by clicking Here
In instalment 7, I’ll be discussing the importance of hydrating the skin from the outside and will give you some perfect products that will help you achieve flawless skin ready for winter 🙂

Taking beauty by storm: micellar technologies

As a therapist, I know that it is important to properly cleanse the skin and it should be done twice per cleanse, tone and moisturise session to ensure the proper removal of grime and to help with the absorption of products that follow.

There are a variety of types from creams, clay based and foaming skin washes, but what about oils? What about waters?

Skincare companies such as Decleor and Dermalogica have created and widely use a new micellar technology within their products, which means that an unlikely consistency can be used by all skins to remove dirt, grime and makeup.

Micellar technology encapsulates particles of dirt and makeup and quickly loosens and removes it for a smooth, clean finish. They have an oily texture so are incredibly nourishing to the skin, but this does not mean that oily skins are exempt from this.
Oil attracts oil, so any excess oils on the skin are also removed along with the dirt.
Another top benefit of micellar technologies are that they do not strip the skin of it’s vital pH 5.5, which means that toning afterwards is not necessary.
It maintains skin balance and is therefore anti-ageing.

Examples of micellar products are as follows:

Decleor’s micellar oil and micellar water.


The oil is quick and simple to use, you only need 1 pump so in reality this should last up to 6 months with 1 person using it.
You apply the product to a dry face and massage all over, including the eye area to really loosen the dirt. Once ready, you must then emulsify with water to loosen even further. Finish by removing the dirt with warm clean water, warm flannels or mittens. Apply your serums and moisturisers to finish the treatment.

The waters are also similar in their usage and should last a similar length of time to the oil. Apply to a dry cotton pad and wipe the face, including the eye area to remove all the dirt. No other water is required, just wipe with the pad and you’re done! Once again no toning is required and you can then complete the service with your serum and moisturiser.

The products can be used both morning and night but they are recommended to be used in the the evening before your night treatments and products are applied.

They can be purchased from here,

My experiences have been incredibly positive, I’m in love with the oil and use the waters to quickly cleanse if I have been lazy with my nightly cleanse.
The combination of the 2 work perfectly, the waters in the morning really clean and refresh the skin whilst the oil deeply cleanses and nourishes leaving my skin silky soft and clear.

Try them for yourselves, if you’ve struggled with cleansing then these are the products for you. You can cleanse in confidence knowing your skin will be cared for!

Forever young: Top 10 tips for year round health and beauty, part 5.

Time for another instalment, it’s been too long but it won’t be a long instalment…something quite short and snappy this time!

If this series has depressed you somewhat so far then perhaps this one will pick you up a little.

Number 5: over exercising

Now, as a disclaimer I’m not suggesting that we all become couch potatoes and become completely inactive, that would be unwise as we still need a small amount of exercise each day.

Children need an hour of exercise everyday and adults, just 30 minutes.
It must be something of moderate exertion, something that makes the heart rate and breathing increase a little. Activities such as brisk walking, jogging and swimming would be ideal but small daily inclusions such as taking the stairs instead of the lift will suffice too.

So what happens if we exercise too much?
Factors linking to ageing include loss of muscle mass, eating disorders such as anorexia, weakened immune system and lack of sleep.
We also loose vital salts through excessive sweating and this sweat can also contribute to clogged pores and spots if we wear makeup when working out.
On the flip side, gentle exercise can be beneficial to our skin. It can promote blood flow to the skin creating a rosy complexion, stimulate hormones and endorphins to make us feel good but also improve muscle tone leading to a smoother appearance on the skin’s surface.

So skincare wise, we need to ensure we’re replacing anything vital lost through exercise and if we’re more active outside, ensure we’re protecting our skin from the sun’s rays with an effective SPF product.

A wonder product that is great for tired and ageing skin but also a great all-rounder product that has more than one use is Decleor’s gel prolagene.

A true wonder product, or did I already say that?
This is multi-functional and can be used for face and body as a treatment serum, mask and even over the eyes. It’s fantastic for after weight loss and perfect for use in pregnancy to help prevent and improve the appearance of stretch marks. It works most effectively with a full Decleor skincare regime but can be inserted into any regime for an extra kick.
Click on the following link to purchase and read a full description and see what others have to say!


A quick episode this time but perhaps something we’re not so familiar with when it comes to ageing and that we can do and have whatever we like so long as it’s in moderation.

Wondering what’s next in the series? Stay tuned, there may be some more surprises coming your way!

Beauty UK purchase review, NEC Birmingham Sunday 18th May 2014.

So yesterday I was fortunate enough to head on down to Birmingham to check out what the NEC beauty UK show had to offer that was different from the other shows I’d attended in the past.
This was a new one for me, despite it being the closest as I’ve always gone further afield and stayed over at the other shows I’d attended.

I found it quite informative! I managed to get loads of advice and information regarding new treatments from brands such as Elemis and Crystal Clear and also managed to get my hands on some products whilst I was at it!

So what did I buy? Here’s an overview of 2 of my favourites!

Elemis’ stand had lots on offer, on one side they had demonstrations of their new machine-based treatments and on the other, the retail stand.
I only bought one item, as my main focus for going was to obtain information to take back to the college but what I did buy I was more than happy with :).

Elemis’ hand wash and hand cream duo in lavender was a sure purchase. The RRP was £17.50 but I was lucky to get it at £14 only for the set of 2 at 195ml size, which was a complete bargain!
The duo is a luxurious collection for your hands and is perfect to show off to your friends in the bathroom when they come to visit!
The main ingredient is lavender and is apparent by the strong but not overpowering aroma, which is great for relaxing the senses. Perfect to use at night just before bedtime!
The hand wash alone does not leave your skin dry and flaky. It contains skin softening ingredients such as soy, wheat and milk proteins and when combined with the hydrating ingredients of jojoba and gold of pleasure oil in the hand cream you’re sure to achieve great hands for get summer and beyond!
I’m not sure if I really want to put it out for my friends to use though…it’s far to nice for them so I will most likely end up saving it all for myself!

So I also managed to find these little treasures after many many times searching my local stores but finally we got some! The sleep-in rollers usually RRP at around £30-35 in most highstreet shops, but here I managed to snap them up for a mere £10, and with extras included in the package!

The sleep-in rollers seem to have taken the market by storm! Almost everybody I saw at the show was carrying a bag of them and I wanted in on the action. You get 20 rollers in the kit plus a large carry bag, small carry bag, instructions on a DVD, hair grips and a small bag to keep the grips safe.

I’ve slept in rollers before when I used to compete with my dancing and can say that in previous years they kept me awake most of night just because they’re so uncomfortable!
These, however are perfectly named…you do indeed sleep! The soft foam cushion inside the rollers provide a layer of comfort and with that fabulous sparkle you’re sure to look (almost) like a movie star on awakening!
The results are great too, you get great root lift for longer hair and natural curls if your hair is shorter, like my mother’s.
I’d definitely pay the full price if I couldn’t get them any cheaper and they come in a choice of 2 colours, pink with silver sparkle and black with gold sparkle.

Grab them and more by checking out the websites:

Beauty snips and money saving tips: Sandwiching Vs Mixing.

All of us skincare savvy folk will use several products in our skincare arsenal to help get the best results possible for our skin. These components may include:
– cleanser
– toner
– moisturiser
– exfoliator
– serum or elixir
– eye cream
– lip cream
– mask
Certain products can be either mixed together or sandwiched, depending on preference and tends to be the serum/elixir and moisturiser.

Now, if you’re not sure what I mean, let me explain.

Mixing is a no brainer, you mix your serum with your moisturiser and apply to clean skin. Easy!

Sandwiching is where you apply one first then the other, in this case the serum first then the moisturiser to seal it down.

Contrary to popular belief, moisturiser isn’t responsible for many major skin changes. It moisturises yes, but it’s main job is to provide a 2-way shield for the skin such as, preventing trans epidermal water loss (moisture lost from the skin) and protection from external assaults such as free radicals.

The serum itself is the treatment that gets right down into the deepest layers of the skin and works on giving the promised results, the moisturiser just seals it all in.

So where am I going with this?

We spend lots of money on these products and want to get the most out of them. Now this all depends on how dramatic the results are that you want to achieve and how much cash you have to splash when your jar runs dry.

The most cost effective method is mixing the products together as this creates a richer texture meaning it can go further in one application and you’re not tempted to use too much unnecessarily.
It does however, lower the effectiveness of the treatment serum used, so results may take longer to be seen on the skin.

Sandwiching is great for those who are careful (unlike me) and who want to see results faster. To do this you should apply your serum first, wait at least 5-10 minutes for it to absorb then apply moisturiser. This way, the treatment can penetrate and do it’s job in the the skin and then be sealed in by the moisturiser so it can continue working.

Decleor’s ‘duo concept’ highlights this fantastically as they release lines of skincare with a serum or Aromessence with its partner moisturiser. Now there are so many it would take aaaaaages to put on here and would mean lots of reading for you! So here’s a link for you to look at:

Nutridivine and Aromessence Angelique, the perfect combination for dry and dehydrated skin.

So the verdict, if you want to save money and make products last longer then go with the mixing method. If you’re not worried about saving so much and want faster results then the sandwich method is your method!

Last tip before I go…apply your serum and moisturiser between the hours of 11-3am. This time period is the optimum time for cell renewal and will make your products work more efficiently!

Enjoy your fabulous skin! Stay tuned for more…soon!

Beauty snips and money saving tips: make your own BB cream!

So we’ve seen on the telly the rise of the BB cream and how great it is being several products in one, but how about saving some money and making your own using products you may already have!?
Here’s how!

What you need:
1. Liquid foundation
2. Moisturiser, preferably with an SPF factor
3. Treatment serum
4. Bowl and spatula to mix
5. A small pot to put it in

Now depending on how dark you want the BB cream to be you may need to alter the first step, I recommend you use a foundation at least 1 shade darker than usual as the moisturiser will tone down the colour.

1. Mix at least 1:1 parts foundation and moisturiser in a bowl. Add either more foundation or moisturiser until you get the desired shade. I’d recommend testing it on your cheeks in natural sunlight and not on your hand. That way you see the depth of colour better and more accurately.

2. Once you have the desired shade you can then add your treatment serum. I wouldn’t add too much of this, about a quarter of the amount you have mixed in your bowl will be plentiful.

3. Keep mixing until the consistency is smooth and pour into your pot. Use within the earliest use by date on the products that you have mixed.

4. If you want to substitute your treatment serum for a primer to help it last longer that’s fine too, just be careful if it’s tinted as the colour will darken it slightly. I’d recommend an illuminating primer for a healthy subtle glow!

There you have it, it’s fast, simple and cheap! Perfect for summer or if you’re usually in a morning rush and don’t have time to layer products.

Fellas, this is a great way to apply product and get the benefit of light coverage if you’re not happy with your skin tone or suffer with imperfections. It’s subtle but you’ll ensure you have great skin!

Stay tuned for more tips to help save you money!

Clear skin: tonight’s routine product guest list.

Just a quick post showing what tonight’s skincare routine will consist of!

I love to have a variety, variety is the spice of life you see!

Ok, so let’s start with my first cleanse to remove the bulk of my makeup and daily grime.

Liz Earle cleanse and polish, an excellent and award winning cleanser.
To use, apply one pump to dry skin and massage in small, upward circular movements. Remove with a warm, damp muslin cloth and repeat if necessary.

Second cleanse, I always do 2 cleanses to make sure my skin is thoroughly cleaned and I suggest you do too! Even in the morning!

Elemis melting cleansing gel is a creamy cleanser that is great for melting away daily dirt and grime.
To use, apply to damp skin and massage in whilst emulsified with water to deeply cleanse the skin without drying or stripping.

Toning is the next step of a daily routine. It is important to maintain the skin’s PH balance to prevent blackheads and premature ageing.

Decleor’s tonifying lotion (on the right) is a lightly fragranced, soothing and moisturising toner that is suitable for all skin types.
To use, apply to dampened cotton wool and lightly brush over the skin to refresh and rebalance. Best used in conjunction with the product to the left, Decleor’s cleansing milk.

Treatment serum, oil or elixir next and as this week I’ve started a new routine with my skin bliss capsules so it’s fitting to continue!

Elemis’ skin bliss capsules are simple and effective to use, the pink (rose) is used in the daytime and the lavender (purple) is used in the evening.
To use, apply to clean dry skin only by massaging into skin in circular motions to ensure optimum absorption. Be sure to inhale the aroma before you start!

Can you see a pattern? Lots of Elemis and the moisturiser is no exception!

Elemis’ pro-collagen oxygenating night cream is a light but rich anti-ageing moisturiser. I find this great for my skin even though I’m not too concerned with ageing yet, I find it great for my dry and sensitive skin and always wake up looking well rested.
To use, apply a small amount to the face by gently massaging in circular motions. Unlike the pro-collagen marine cream, this cannot be used as an eye cream so please keep away from the delicate eye area.

Almost there! Eye cream time and it’s something new!

Flora Mare is a hydrating and anti-ageing eye cream with a light and pleasant aroma, I’m always nervous with creams as I tend to get little milia spots around my eyes but this is great! No milia for me!
To use, apply a small amount to your ring fingers and massage around the eyes out wards over the brows and inwards towards the tear ducts underneath the eye. You can also pat lightly to help with puffy eyes.

The final product most people leave out, lip treatment. Our lips need TLC too and here’s my product of the evening.

Gale Hayman lip lift is a creamy and light treatment for dry and ageing lips. The fact it looks like a lipstick makes it easy to use and can be carried around for quick application on the go!
To use, apply to the lips as a lipstick to upper and lower lips. Top tip, take it over the lip line to work on lines and wrinkles as well as dryness.

There you go! An insight into my nightly ritual, I do this every night with a variety of products that I love and you should too! Sometimes with an additional product such as an exfoliator or mask as well as my Tresonic cleansing brush for an even deeper clean!
I’m thinking of uploading video demonstrations in the near future, what do you think? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Stay tuned for my next post, I need to update my Tria experiment! 🙂

Forever young: top 10 tips for year round health and beauty, part 3.

Welcome back to my 10 part series in how to maintain a youthful appearance all year round.

In episode 2 we looked at smoking and how carbon monoxide in cigarettes slowly suffocates the skin by replacing the oxygen in our blood. It also looked briefly at exfoliation methods to help get our blood flowing to the skin’s surface.

To introduce this episode I’d like to briefly start with the difference between skin types and conditions and give a couple of examples.

Our skin has a type, this much never changes. Skin types can include dry, sensitive, oily and combination, which are determined by genes and as mentioned, do not alter. Skin types can only be controlled, not cured.

A skin condition is something that can change, depending on external factors such as the environment. Skin conditions can include dehydration and sensitisation and can be treated with lifestyle changes and products.

So what are we going to look at today? A skin condition, that can be treated in various ways.


Number 3: dehydrated skin.

In the UK we’re still in weather-limbo so to speak, sometimes we need to use our central heating and other times we need our air con, so it can be quite confusing for our skin.
Central heating and air conditioning strips the moisture out of our skin and if we are moving from areas of cold to areas of heat we are not only contributing further to this effect but also increase the risk of developing broken capillaries, which can look unsightly.

So if artificial heat and cold cause dehydration what else does? Other factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to the environment contribute to stripping the moisture from the skin if not protected and treated.
Products containing alcohol dry our skin too, these include hairspray and perfumes. So I do beg you, please please please never spray perfume directly onto the skin or use hairspray on the face to seal down makeup!
A good quality toner in a spray bottle does this job just as well and can be used throughout the day.

So how does dehydration age us? Not only will our skin look sallow and feel chappy and tight, the lack of moisture reaks havoc on our collagen and elastin proteins, leading to the appearance of fine lines and scales on our skin. Our skin is also less plump and healthy looking and any makeup products we use look poorly applied as our skin needs to be treated, not covered.

So what can we do? The average human body is 50-65% water so this tells us that water is important! We must ensure that we are replenishing lost moisture by drinking around 6-8 glasses of water a day or eating foods with a high water content such as cucumbers, oranges and watermelons. Try to limit alcohol consumption and reduce, or quit, smoking cigarettes.

In terms of skincare, products that target dryness and dehydration are essential buys and fortunately, moisturisers containing hyaluronic acid (the key to the fountain of youth) and exfoliators containing lactic acid can help to improve his problem. Toning, using a spritz throughout the day over our makeup can help maintain hydration levels and also serves as a great pick-me-up.

Below are images and links of suitable products to target this skin condition and maintain hydration levels.

Dermalogica AgeSmart skin kit, a collection of anti-ageing but hydrating products containing microexfoliating properties and hyaluronic acid.
Can be purchased here:

Decleor’s Hydra Floral range, designed to maintain hydration levels and protect against TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss).
Can be purchased from or

Dermalogica’s skin hydrating booster is a great add-in product that can be placed under your existing moisturiser if you don’t fancy changing your entire routine and product line.
Can be purchased from


To put it quite simply, hydration is the key to anti-ageing; if you can keep hydration levels to an optimum level you’re already on your way to healthier, younger looking skin.

Stay tuned for episode 4 and remember, if you have any questions please comment and I can answer them for you!

Forever young: tip 10 tips for year round health and beauty, part 2.

Welcome back youth hunter for episode 2 of my guide to a more youthful you!

Episode 1 covered the sun and how overexposure can damage the skin short and long term, it also suggested ways of protection in terms of product use and provided 2 options.

So after sun damage, what is the number 2 cause of ageing of the skin, according to the International Dermal Institute?


Number 2 – the effects of smoking.

Back in the old days smoking was the height of fashion, it was seen as something very sophisticated and honestly, with those fabulous cigarette holders in your hand I’m inclined to agree! According to my mother, back in 1957 the hospital would give my grandfather cigarettes to calm his nerves even though he had a heart condition! Amazing how times change and knowledge is gained.

We all know that the typical cigarette contains tar and various harmful chemicals that damage us inside, including blackening of the lungs; but it can also have a damaging effect on our skin, leading to a variety of ageing issues.

One of the chemicals found in cigarettes is called carbon monoxide, commonly known as ‘the silent killer’ a    tasteless and odourless gas that replaces the oxygen in our blood and slowly suffocates us from the inside. The small amount of carbon monoxide inside the cigarette is doing exactly that but on a small scale and constantly; starving the skin of oxygen and vital nutrients to maintain a youthful appearance. This lack of oxygen is also having an effect on our collagen levels, destroying them and causing the facial contours to sag due to a loss of elasticity.

Oh, and one more thing; we all know that we gain expression lines on our face from, well, using facial expressions but the constant action of inhaling the fumes from a cigarette causes vertical lines around the mouth and hollows the cheeks giving a skeletal appearance to the face.

So what’s the solution? The most obvious is to quit smoking altogether but in most cases it is easier said than done, so we need an alternative.

With regards to skincare, we must ensure that we are getting blood to the surface of our skin. This can be done in 2 main ways.

1. Exfoliation – depending on our skin types, this should be done at least once a week to remove dead skin cells, reveal new ones and promote blood flow to the skin’s surface. Exfoliating products can come in 2 forms, chemical (usually enzyme peels and fruit acids, perfect for sensitive and dry skins) and physical (your typical seeded scrubs, these are better for oily, combination and male skins).

2. Massage – gentle massage stimulates the blood and can assist in desquamation, the skin’s natural exfoliation. This can be done as part of a cleansing routine or when applying moisturiser.


OK, so product time! Here are 2 of my picks of exfoliation products with one being chemical and the other physical. 

* A chemical product, Gatineau’s gommage gentle exfoliator. Effective and gentle, perfect for even the most sensitive of skins. Contains essential and botanical mint, boasting an anti-ageing and moisturising formula. Can be purchased here: 










* A physical product, Liz Earle’s gentle face exfoliator. Containing natural jojoba seeds to gently remove dead skin, eucalyptus and cocoa butter. Not suitable if you suffer with sensitive skin or rosacea so would be better suited to oily, combination and make skins. Can be purchased here: 

Liz Earle facial exfoliator









So, the above products should be used weekly, but with you being a smoker or suffering from sallow, dull skin is it possible to exfoliate gently daily? Yes it is!

Dermalogica offer a product called Daily Microfoliant, a gentle chemical based exfoliator that can be used daily on any skin type. Perfect for use in the morning to brighten and awaken tired and dull skin. You can purchase it here: 

Dermalogica daily microfoliant

Dermalogica daily microfoliant


So now we know that smoking is bad for outside of us as well as the inside and if we can’t quit altogether we can at least help our skin by exfoliating, helping to maintain a youthful appearance.

Remember, it is incredibly important we moisturise straight after any exfoliation, otherwise we risk drying the skin out and causing more damage!

Stay tuned for episode 3!